32oz Beans Recipe


Cooking Directions

Cooking Tips:

  1. Spread out dry beans and remove any foreign particles.
  2. Rinse beans in cold water.
  3. Cover beans with 2 inches of water and use one of the soak methods below:

Quick cook Method: Boil beans in water for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and soak for one hour.


Overnight Method (preferred) – Boil Beans in water for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and soak for 4 hours or overnight.

  1. Drain soak water and replace with 12 cups of fresh water. Add 1lb of meat if desired.

Options: ham hocks, sausage, or ham bone.

  1. Bring beans to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for about 2 hours or until tender. Check water level and add hot water if necessary. Stir occasionally.
  2. Salt and pepper to taste. NOTE: Boil beans gently and stir very little to prevent breaking skins.

Slow Cooker Method:

  2. Spread out dry beans and remove any foreign particles.
  3. Rinse beans, and then place in slow cooker with 12 cups water.
  4. Add 2lb ham, ham hock, hambone, or sausage to pot.
  5. Place slow cooker on high and cook for about 5 hours or until beans are tender (or low for 7-8 hours).
  6. Salt and pepper to taste.

*Click for microwave instructions

One cup dry beans makes about 2-1/2 cups cooked beans.

NOTE: This product is grown in nature’s earth. Although handled by the latest modern mechanical methods, it is sometimes impossible to remove all foreign material. Check carefully before preparing. Thanks!

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